Conference Report: Integrative Oncology UK inaugural conference. Whole person care for better patient outcomes. 15th May 2021

The British Society for Integrative Oncology (BSIO) worked with professional conference organisers Progressive Communications to initiate the first Integrative Oncology UK conference. The virtual event took place on Saturday 15th May 2021, with more than 380 delegates attending, across a range of disciplines from an impressive 27 countries. The conference was aimed at healthcare professionals interested in evidence-based integrative approach to cancer care. Some of the delegates were new to this clinical field and a quarter of participants were working within the NHS.

During the one-day live event, oncologists, integrative medicine doctors, GPs, researchers, clinical nurse specialists, nutritionists, mind-body experts, and people living with a cancer diagnosis, shared their knowledge on the science and evidence base underpinning lifestyle and complementary approaches in cancer care, to optimise quality of life and clinical outcomes.

The BSIO conference committee brought together medical and non-medical experts in their fields. The event had an impressive line-up of eighteen speakers presenting the evidence for incorporating lifestyle and complementary approaches into pre-treatment phases, during active cancer treatment and in advanced cancer.

BSIO Conference Committee: 

Dr Catherine Zollman, conference chair, GP, medical lead of Penny Brohn UK cancer charity, clinical lead for Personalised Care and Support, SWAG NHS Cancer Alliance and fellow in Integrative Medicine from the University of Arizona

Dr Penny Kechagioglou MBBS, MRCP, FRCReq, MPH, MBA, Consultant Clinical Oncologist and Group Clinical Director for Surgery and Emergency Medicine, at the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

Prof Robert Thomas, MRCP (UK), MD, FRCR, Consultant Oncologist at Addenbrooke’s and Bedford Hospitals, a visiting Professor at Cranfield University and a clinical teacher at Cambridge University

Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel, MB BChir MA Hons DipIM PG Cert IFMCP mBANT, Integrative Medicine doctor, scientist and educator, Vice Chair of BSIO, Director of Synthesis Clinic, Fellow of the College of Medicine, United Kingdom

Dr Carol Granger, Registered nutrition practitioner and microbiologist with a particular interest in the human microbiome. Co-chair and trustee of the Research Council for Complementary Medicine (RCCM)

Dr Caroline Hoffman, Clinical and Research Director, Breast Cancer Haven.

If you missed the live event and you would like to catch up at your leisure, the recordings are available to purchase at:

Conference Report: Integrative Oncology UK inaugural conference. Whole person care for better patient outcomes. 15th May 2021